Sunday, August 29, 2010

This Week On Examiner

Well, the bugs seem be slowly disappearing and the page views are starting to rise (albeit much too slowly!) once again. Still though, in case you've missed what I've been up to on Examiner, here's what was from the past week.

Watch Jack Horkheimer's last 'Stargazer' episode
The tiny Full Moon
Psychics claim to find life on Mars
The 'two moons' hoax resurfaces
No 'double moon,' just a single moon, a king, and 4 sinful satellites
Take a walk in space with your iPhone
Love, War, and the Virgin
Is China militarizing space?

Why don't camera prices ever seem to go down?
Miss Universe 2010: you be the judge
Miss Universe 2010 winner galleries
A career in photos: Sean Connery turns 80
Canon's latest dSLR sure to disappoint
Cleveland Indians go to the dogs

Governments spying on people from space
Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally in photos

Humble requests:

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